Time dilation modification

Tilting Einstein’s Clock Rohit Dhawan (Ph.D. scholar) Department of Mechanical Engineering, D.C.R.U.S.T Murthal, Sonepat, Haryana, India Email:- rohitdhawan28@gmail.com Abstract: - This work is just a simple extension to Einstein’s Time dilation theory. But the outcomes of the work are quite interesting and tells a bit more about the way, the Time behaves with the addition of motion. Till now we are only aware of the fact that the time is not absolute and is different for different observers according to their reference frameworks. The current work focuses on the rate at which time flows in different directions. The findings of the work reveal that, in the same reference framework, time varies at a different flow rate in different directions. Keywords: - Time dilation, theory of relativity, time flow rate. I.INTRODUCTION: - Time theory dates back to the revolutionary theory put forth by Sir Albert Einstein in 1905 widely known as the “Theory of Relativity”. Let us tr...